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All Posts By Barton Morris

Task Force Report: Criminal Justice Reform In Michigan Jails Needed

The Michigan Joint Task Force on Jail and Pretrial Incarceration has recently learned that Michigan’s criminal justice system is misusing its jails. This was the conclusion of the task force’s most recent report calling fo…

What Can Make A Search Warrant Invalid and What To Do During A Search

What can make a search warrant invalid? The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution protects its citizens from “unreasonable searches and seizures.” The first step for all searches or seizures in this country is…

Felon In Possession Of A Firearm vs. Felony Firearm

| Barton Morris | ,
Michigan has two laws that are sometimes confused with one another: Felon in Possession of a Firearm (FIP) and Felony Firearm (FF). The first can be charged any time a person had a firearm on them at the time they committe…

Can You Get A DUI On A Bicycle In Michigan?

| Barton Morris | , , ,
In other states such as Indiana and Ohio, you can be charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI)/Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) criminal offense by driving a human-powered bicycle; but can you get a DUI on a bicycle …

What To Include in Revoked Driver’s License Letters of Support

If the Secretary of State (SOS) revoked your license for either one or five years, you ‘ll have to apply to have it reinstated at the end of the revocation period. The process involves putting together several differ…

Can A Revoked License Be Restored Or Reinstated?

Can a revoked license be reinstated? Yes. Depending on the circumstances and the steps you’ve taken since your license was suspended or revoked, you might be able to get your revoked driver’s license reinstated…

Thousands of DUI Convictions Affected by Breathalyzer Scandal

A scandal rocked the foundation of the breath alcohol testing program for DUIs in Michigan. The Michigan State Police (MSP) performed a criminal investigation of those whom were relied upon (and paid $1.26m per year) to en…

What To Do If Pulled Over After Smoking Marijuana?

| Barton Morris | , ,
  With the legalization of both medical and adult-use marijuana in Michigan, marijuana use continues to become more accepted. However, smoking marijuana while driving or driving while “intoxicated” by marijuana is sti…

Out of State Driver’s License Restoration in Michigan

Are you a non-Michigan resident looking for the best driver’s license restoration attorney in Michigan? If so, you will need to request an Administrative Review of your driver’s license. If you had your Michigan driver’s l…
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