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All Posts By Barton Morris

How We Convinced a Judge to Get a DUI Dismissed

| Barton Morris | , , ,
Cross-Examining the Police Officer During our motion hearing to get a DUI dismissed, I had the chance to cross-examine the police officer on his investigation. The officer was supposed to instruct and evaluate Mike based o…

Does Michigan Use DUI Checkpoints?

| Barton Morris | , ,
Everyone knows that drunk driving is illegal. If you’re caught with an unlawful bodily alcohol content or exhibit signs of intoxication while driving, the police can arrest you for operating while intoxicated (OWI), …

Is There a Statute of Limitations on Domestic Violence in Michigan?

Is there a statute of limitations on domestic violence in Michigan? The answer is yes, but it depends on the exact charges and circumstances of every individual incident. But let’s start with the basics. Domestic vio…

Can a Passenger Get A DUI?

| Barton Morris | , ,
Can a passenger get a DUI? A driving under the influence (DUI) charge, called operating while intoxicated (OWI) in Michigan, is a serious crime. Police officers will typically arrest a drunk driver at the scene if they fai…

Reckless Driving: A Very Serious Offense

| Barton Morris | ,
Driving is a huge part of modern life. However, when operated incorrectly, cars and other vehicles become incredibly dangerous. Because of this, the laws governing it are strict and complex. If you’re facing charges …

What Is A Substance Abuse Evaluation?

What is a Substance Abuse Evaluation? A substance abuse evaluation is a counseling session performed by someone trained in substance abuse therapy. The professional will administer some paper and pencil tests to determine …

Reckless Driving vs. DUI: What’s the Difference?

| Barton Morris |
Reckless Driving vs. DUI: What’s the Difference? Reckless driving in Michigan has many possible criminal charges, whether you’re under the influence of drugs/alcohol or not. However, there’s a distinct difference bet…

Can Domestic Violence Charges Be Dropped by the Victim?

| Barton Morris |
Can a victim have domestic violence charges dropped? No. Once the prosecutor’s office has issued domestic assault or domestic battery charges, the victim has no authority over the case. Facing domestic violence charges? Ha…

Diabetes and DUI Defense: How to Use This Defense

| Barton Morris | , , ,
Most people don’t know diabetes is a valid DUI defense. According to the American Diabetes Association, more than 50,000 Michiganders are diagnosed with both type 1 and type 2 Diabetes every year. Below, we outline how we …
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