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Specializing in Drug, Weapons, Assault, Theft, DUI, Property and Fraud Cases

All Posts By Barton Morris

What is the Difference Between Crack and Powder Cocaine in the Criminal Justice System?

Cocaine is a central nervous stimulant drug made from the coco leaf primarily made in Columbia, Peru and Bolivia. The cocaine extraction process is complex and involves heating, then cooling the leaves. Alcohol is then add…

SOBERLINK Alcohol Monitoring Technology vs SCRAM

| Barton Morris |
  Michigan courts routinely order anyone who has been convicted of an alcohol related offense to refrain from the use of alcohol. It’s also common for a person just accused of drunk driving, before any convictio…

Winning A Third Offense DUI Case with Orajel Defense

In a highly contested felony DUI prosecution, my client and I finally prevailed after a jury of 12 citizens found the defendant “Not Guilty of Third Offense – Operating While Intoxicated (OWI).” This arti…

How the Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device Works

The State of Michigan is very serious about keeping people who drink and drive off the roads. This is where technology comes into play. For example, have you ever wondered how the breath alcohol ignition interlock device w…

If You Are Sleeping in Your Car Can You Get a DUI?

Can you get a DUI for sleeping in your car? Sometimes, a person will park the vehicle they were driving because they feel that they drank too much alcohol to drive. They may stop driving to stay safe and because it’s…

Substance Abuse Evaluation During A Driver’s License Restoration Hearing

Driver’s license restoration for multiple drunk driving arrests requires a substance abuse evaluation (SAE). It’s used for a driver’s license restoration hearing. It must be completed by a qualified subst…

Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana Based On Unreliable Evidence

| Barton Morris | ,
Due to the rise in the use of marijuana all over the country, including the state of Michigan, police are now being trained to investigate driving under the influence of marijuana and other drugs. Driving under the influen…

Avoid License Suspension Through Michigan Sobriety Court

In Michigan, two OWI/DUI convictions for alcohol or drugs will require a one (1) year revocation of a person’s driver’s license. However, a restricted driver’s license may be granted to a second DUI offender only if that p…

Advice for SCRAM Users and How to Defend a Violation

| Barton Morris |
The SCRAM tether is a continuous alcohol-monitoring device that’s frequently used by judicial systems, judges, probation departments and jails to monitor a person to determine if they’ve consumed alcohol. SCRAM…
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