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All Posts By Barton Morris

Should I Take The Alcohol Breath Test?

Should I take the alcohol breath test if I’m arrested for DUI? First, it must be understood that there are two breath tests that are given in a typical DUI arrest in Michigan. The preliminary breath test (PBT) offere…

Arrested for a DUI: Were You Read Your Rights?

Clients arrested for DUI often complain that they, “were not read their rights when they were arrested,” and ask if that fact can help their case. What “rights” are they referring to? There are a couple o…

National Breath Alcohol Test Expert Speaks about the “Guilty Box”

| Barton Morris |
Over 75 percent of all alcohol related DUI arrests rely upon an alcohol breath test to measure bodily alcohol content (BAC) instead of a blood test. The reason is that a breath test is much more easily administered and les…

National Breath Alcohol Test Expert Speaks about the “Guilty Box”

| Barton Morris |
Over 75 percent of all alcohol related DUI arrests in the Metro Detroit area rely upon an alcohol breath test to measure bodily alcohol content (BAC) instead of a blood test. The reason is that a breath test is much more e…

Can a Felon Buy, Possess and Use a Gun in Michigan?

| Barton Morris |
Can a Felon Buy a Gun in Michigan? A question that always seems to be asked is, can a felon buy a gun in Michigan? Simply put, it’s unlawful for a person convicted of a felony to possess, carry or use a firearm unles…

Michigan DUI Laws and Penalties, What to Know

| Barton Morris | , ,
Michigan DUI laws and penalties. What are they? How can you fight them? This article answers these questions and more. DUI offenses are the most common criminal offenses in the criminal justice system. For this reason, pro…

The SCRAM Tether, How it Works and How it Doesn’t

| Barton Morris |
In courts all over Michigan, judges routinely order anyone who has been convicted of an alcohol related offense to refrain from the use of alcohol. It is increasingly common for a person just accused of drunk driving, befo…

SCRAM Bracelet Violations, Tether, Legal Issues, How it Works and How it Doesn’t

| Barton Morris | ,
In courts all over Michigan, judges routinely order anyone who has been convicted of an alcohol related offense to refrain from the use of alcohol. It’s increasingly common for a person just accused of drunk driving,…

Court Appointed Attorney vs Paid Attorney

| Barton Morris |
Court appointed attorneys too often overlook critical defense strategies when representing their clients charged with criminal offenses. They are not paid adequately and therefore are motivated to push their client through…
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