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All Posts By Barton Morris

What’s the Difference Between an OWI and a DUI in Michigan?

| Barton Morris | ,
What is the difference between a OWI and a DUI in Michigan? Across the United States, a driving under the influence (DUI) charge is the crime of driving or operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or under th…

What We Can Learn from Mr. Peanut about Domestic Violence

  I watched a rerun of “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” when as part of a joke, he said, “Google Mr. Peanut domestic violence. I don’t know what you’ll find.” I was bored, so I did. What I came across was a ​YouTu…

Can You Be Charged with DUI Without Evidence?

| Barton Morris | ,
Can you be charged with DUI without evidence? It’s first important to understand what’s considered evidence in a DUI investigation. Charged with DUI? Unhappy with your current attorney? Request a free consultat…

17-year-olds Considered as Minors in Michigan Criminal Justice

Is a 17 year old a minor in Michigan when it comes to the criminal justice system? In 2019, the Michigan Senate overwhelmingly approved a package of bills aimed to classify 17-year-olds as minors in the state’s criminal ju…

Can a Passenger Be Searched if the Driver Gave Consent?

  Can a driver consent to a police search of a passenger? No. But there are some nuances be be aware of. Since 2007, Michigan law held that when a police officer received consent from the driver to search the passenge…

Police and Driving Under the Influence of Drugs in Michigan

Everyone is familiar with drunk driving. The old slogan, “drive sober or get pulled over,” is burned into our brains to remind us about the consequences of drinking and driving. Assumably, most people know that the legal l…

What is an OWI in Drunk Driving Cases?

Drunk driving is illegal. This we all know. In Michigan though, the terminology is known as “Operating While Intoxicated” (OWI) rather than Driving Under the Influence (DUI). However, “operating” isn’t synonymous wit…

Can You Get Arrested for Possessing CBD Oil Products?

| Barton Morris |
Can possessing CBD oil products get you arrested? The answer depends on whether you’re referring to CBD from hemp or marijuana. While most of America recognizes the powerful benefits of marijuana and CBD products, ma…

Civil Asset Forfeiture Requires Criminal Conviction Under Michigan Law

| Barton Morris |
  Civil asset forfeiture laws in Michigan require a criminal conviction before the police can keep money or assets worth $50,000 or less. Unfortunately, the law is constantly being abused. Are you a victim of civil as…
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