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Common Mistakes Made During Driver's License Restoration in Michigan

Going through driver’s license restoration in Michigan is time consuming and requires great attention to detail. This is to ensure that the submitted documents are consistent. Our driver’s license restoration lawyers have helped hundreds of people get their licenses back with a 98% success rate, so they have no issue streamlining the process.

Interested in getting your driver’s license restored? Unhappy with your current attorney? Request a free consultation now.

License restoration Michigan

Fulfilling the Secretary of State’s requirements without guidance is overwhelming. This is especially true because if you’re not successful, you must wait one (1) full year before you can try again.

You do have the option of a driver’s license appeal, but that can take months. Additionally, lawyers know how important details are, as they can make or break a case. A substance use evaluation, support letters, and a 12-panel urine test are required for the restoration process and mistakes are commonly made regarding all four.

Substance Use Evaluation

The evaluation is what matters most to the license restoration hearing officer. A substance use evaluation (or Michigan substance abuse evaluation) is completed by a professional (usually a counselor or social worker). They’ll speak with you to gather information about your history of substance use.

They’ll also have you answer some questions to gain insight into your recovery status and determine that status by using a testing instrument. That person will then write an evaluation based on your history and testing instrument results after seeing you can pass a 12 panel urine test.

There are people who do not have experience completing evaluations for purposes of driver license restoration. Others do not have good reputations with the hearing officers. Our firm refers clients to an evaluator we work with closely, who is familiar with the license restoration Michigan process and is respected by the hearing officers.

Inconsistent Dates of Sobriety

The most common mistake people make when trying to request a hearing to restore their driver’s license is having inconsistent dates of sobriety written throughout all the supporting documents, as well as the hearing testimony.

This mistake, which will result in an automatic denial, are often made through simple typos. It’s the number one mistake that can be most easily avoided with a Michigan driver’s license reinstatement lawyer.

Interested in getting your driver’s license restored? Unhappy with your current attorney? Request a free consultation now.

Letters Needed for Driver’s License Restoration in Michigan

Another common mistake is when letter writers don’t mention the person’s sobriety date, how often they spend time with the person, or the letters are not from a cross-section of people who see the person frequently.

The hearing officers want to know…

  • that you’re sober at all times,
  • whether you’re at home with family or out for a night with friends, and
  • expect that the people you spend time with will know about your substance use history.

Driver’s License Restoration in Michigan Hearing: Drug Testing

The state requires a 12-panel urine test. The sample must be tested for at least two integrity variables, also referred to as adulterants. The adulterants are:

  • specific gravity,
  • pH level, and
  • creatinine.

If any of those three are outside a certain range, the hearing officer will consider the test invalid because it suggests the sample was diluted to avoid detection of drugs or alcohol.

Most people don’t make sure their test results display those adulterants or aren’t aware that falling outside the range can bring the validity of the test into question.

Driver’s License Restoration in Michigan: The Takeaway

Before you can operate a motor vehicle, you must get your driving privileges reinstated by the Secretary of State. However, the process can easily be overwhelming. If you proceed without driver’s license lawyers, chances are that your license will remain suspended or revoked. If you fail, you have to wait a full year before trying again.

Here’s just the surface level of what you need:

  1. You must provide at least 3 character reference letters
  2. You must demonstrate complete sobriety
  3. You must submit a full and complete Substance Use Evaluation
  4. You must provide a 12-panel drug screen with integrity variables
  5. You must complete an affidavit asserting several facts about your past and present

We greatly value our attorney client relationship and promise to guide you through this process. After all, we proudly hold a 98% driver’s license restoration success rate and can restore your license in as little as 10 weeks.

We guarantee* your results and don’t stop working until you are successful.

Interested in getting your driver’s license restored? Unhappy with your current attorney? Request a free consultation now.


*The guarantee doesn’t include license violation hearings. While we’re skilled at violation hearings as well, violations happen and sometimes given the circumstances, we cannot win every one. We cannot guarantee a situation when a client relapses or doesn’t follow our advice. Circuit court appeals aren’t included.

Barton Morris
Barton Morris has been providing high-quality legal representation in the area of state and federal criminal defense for more than 20 years.
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Barton Morris
Barton Morris has been providing high-quality legal representation in the area of state and federal criminal defense for more than 20 years.
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