One of the most common questions we get is, “can you get a CPL with a DUI in Michigan?” This article covers eligibility, applying, and eventually regaining your gun rights.
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So, can you get a Concealed Pistol License (CPL) with a DUI in Michigan?
In Michigan, you can get a CPL if you have no more than two (2) DUIs.
This being said, you can’t have certain pending charges in Michigan or other states when you apply.
This includes DUI charges.
Learn What it Takes to Restore Your Second Amendment Rights.
A specific period of time must pass from your conviction date before you’re eligible for a CPL.
If you only have one (1) DUI conviction, you must wait three years from your DUI conviction date before applying for a CPL.
For example: if you were convicted of a DUI on October 14, 2021, you wouldn’t be eligible to apply for a CPL until October 14, 2024.
If you were charged with DUI while operating an aircraft, you must wait eight (8) years from the conviction date before applying for the license.
Also keep in mind that if you have only one DUI conviction, you’re now eligible to have it expunged.
Learn more about the DUI expungement process and what it takes to get it removed from your criminal record.
If you have two (2) DUI convictions, your application won’t be considered unless it’s been eight (8) years since you were convicted of your last DUI.
For example, if you were convicted of your first DUI on October 14, 2001, and your second DUI on June 1, 2013, you wouldn’t be eligible for a CPL until June 1, 2023.
If you’re convicted of a DUI while holding your CPL, your CPL will be suspended or revoked depending on the circumstances.
This includes whether or not you had the weapon on you at the time.
If your license is revoked, you must wait the required time period before you’re eligible to apply for a CPL again.
For example: if you have one (1) DUI conviction while having your CPL, but are then arrested for drunk driving a second time, your CPL will be suspended.
You won’t be able to apply for your CPL again until eight (8) years from your drunk driving conviction date.
So can you get a CPL with a DUI in Michigan?
But, you need an experienced and proven attorney to fight for your rights.
This includes restoring your constitutional right to bear arms.
Before applying for a Michigan CPL, it’s important to make sure you’re eligible.
Keep in mind that having no more than two (2) DUIs doesn’t automatically make you eligible for a license.
There are additional factors that determine if you’re eligible or not, such as:
Another common question, “can I own a gun after a domestic violence conviction?” is covered in this article.
Michigan law regarding CPL eligibility is extremely complicated, even for practicing attorneys.
Our team of attorneys can answer any questions you have and fight for you during your DUI case.
Do you need help regaining your gun rights? Unhappy with your current attorney? Request a free consultation now.
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