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How to Keep the Airport Police from Stealing from You

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How to Keep the Airport Police from Stealing From You

Law enforcement civil asset forfeiture abuse is out of control and it’s most evident at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport. This article covers how to keep the airport police from stealing from you.

The Airport Police and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) spent a lot of time looking for travelers they believe fits the profile of someone traveling with large amounts of cash.

These travelers are those who book their flights on short notice, have little or no luggage, and have quick return flights.

The location of the flights are of interest to them as well.

California seems to be a place where they believe people are purchasing large amounts of marijuana and shipping it back to Michigan.

When they find someone fitting their profile, they’ll stop and question them.

If that person has a large amount of money, no matter the reason, they take it.

Michigan’s civil asset forfeiture laws permit law enforcement to seize money or property if they have “probable cause” to believe it’s proceeds of illegal drug trafficking.

The problem is they’ll make up a reason, giving them a right to take the money and force the person to fight for it back.

First, the person, or claimant, has to file a written claim within 20 days.

If they do so timely, then they’ll negotiate with the county or federal prosecuting attorneys who will try to keep as much as they can.

Dealing with civil forfeiture or airport police who’ve stolen from you? Unhappy with your current attorney? Request a free consultation now.

How the Detroit Metropolitan Airport Police were able to steal $10,000

I had a client who booked a flight to LA that was leaving Detroit a few days later.

The return flight was the following day.

He was going to purchase some merchandise for his legitimate business in cash. He traveled with only a carry on.

Detroit Metro Airport police stopped and questioned him.

They discovered he had about $60,000 in cash in his bag and confiscated it.

Of course, their actions inspire fear and intimidation.

In this case, the right to contest the seizure was unknowingly waived.

They stole his money without any evidence that it was drug trafficking proceeds.

The police believe that travelers are bringing cash to California to purchase marijuana to sell in Michigan.

Even if this were true, which in my client’s case it wasn’t, that doesn’t turn the cash into drug trafficking proceeds.

Perhaps it’s meant to be exchanged for drugs, but that isn’t the applicable law.

Evidently, the law doesn’t matter to the police because all they’re interested in is keeping as much money as possible.

The waiver was coerced and since there was no evidence of drug trafficking proceeds, I was able to return $50,000 to my client.

However, the police still were able to keep $10,000 of my client’s money.

That’s a lot of money to steal, yet they got away with it.

It would cost more in legal fees to fight it.

So what should someone do if they want to travel with cash without being subject to airport police seizure?

1. Do not travel with medical marijuana

Having cash in close proximity to controlled substances, including medical or recreational marijuana, will give them a reason to seize the money because it was intended for interstate travel.

2. Do not answer any police questions

The most harmful information generally comes directly from the person with the money trying to explain what’s going on.

There’s no obligation to say anything.

The best advice is to tell them that your lawyer will be in touch immediately.

3. Do not consent to a search

The police generally don’t have a right to search your stuff so don’t let them.

They’ll immediately be out of luck.

Unless you’re under arrest, which is generally impossible unless you have done something wrong, they should let you go.

4. Do not waive your right to contest the seizure

This is a new tactic.

The police use fear and intimidation to get the person to sign a waiver.

While we usually successfully fight these in court, there’s no reason ever to sign them.

Every person has a right to not do any of the above requested actions.

By following this advice, you’ll be able to keep your money.

These are the ways you can keep the airport police from stealing from you.

If you ever find yourself in this unfortunate situation, our team of attorneys are experienced in fighting civil asset forfeiture.

We’ll fight for your money and your reputation, even if it means going up against law enforcement.

Dealing with civil forfeiture or airport police who’ve stolen from you? Unhappy with your current attorney? Request a free consultation now.

Barton Morris
Barton Morris has been providing high-quality legal representation in the area of state and federal criminal defense for more than 20 years.
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Barton Morris
Barton Morris has been providing high-quality legal representation in the area of state and federal criminal defense for more than 20 years.
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