Help With A DUI
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Can A Lawyer Really Help With A DUI?

How can a lawyer help with a DUI? A good DUI defense attorney has many responsibilities to a client, most of which won’t be addressed by either court appointed attorneys or the majority of other criminal defense attorney who are likely to do nothing more than plead you guilty. This is why a good DUI attorney is also a counselor.

The attorney should…

  • ease stress and anxiety,
  • instill confidence, and
  • provide recommendations for the recovery of whatever problems that caused any criminal behavior (even if the goal is to get the case dismissed).

The attorney must do what’s in their client’s best interest while obtaining the best possible outcome given the circumstances.

When an attorney is getting paid, they have an obligation to satisfy all of these objectives. When they aren’t paid what they consider enough, it’s natural the attorney isn’t likely to satisfy all of them.

This is why it’s important to carefully select a DUI attorney, one with a proven record of success in and out of the courtroom. Not doing the work of finding the best DUI attorney possible is doing oneself a disservice when dealing with a make-it-or-break-it event that will be on your record forever if convicted.

Facing a DUI charge? Unhappy with your current attorney? Request a free consultation now.

Answer all client questions

A client will always have questions that need reliable answers. These questions will come during all stages of the case, even after the case is over. It’s critical that the attorney listens carefully and provides truthful, credible, and timely answers.

Questions will be asked about procedure, advice on appropriate actions to be taken, how to deal with employment, family, witnesses, and more. The questions can be endless and they all must be addressed properly. If the attorney doesn’t know an answer, the client must find an attorney who does.

Evaluate the evidence

First, it’s important for an attorney to obtain all of the evidence. Most lawyers only obtain the police report and in-car video.

However, to truly evaluate a case, the attorney must judge the reliability and accuracy of the chemical test. The breath or blood test is often the strongest piece of evidence in a driving under the influence case. It must be evaluated in every case. If the attorney doesn’t know how to do it, then hiring them is a waste of your time and money.

The BAC level will be measured by breath or blood tests, each of which require special training to evaluate. The field sobriety examinations also require special training. Attorneys also must evaluate the arresting officer’s competence, the breath test administrator’s skills and/or the blood draw medical records.

Once they have reviewed all of the evidence, a defense strategy can be created. It usually takes a combination of many pieces of evidence to identify a strategy. Without a skilled evaluation of all of the evidence, a great result cannot be achieved.

Facing a DUI charge? Unhappy with your current attorney? Request a free consultation now.

Communicate all the real options

A lawyer is only as good as their legal analysis and communication of all available options. This is one of the many ways a good lawyer can help with a DUI. It’s not a lawyer’s job to communicate the options that they’re interested in or are able to handle. Therefore, an attorney’s experience and expertise is critical.

For example; if a lawyer doesn’t know how to fight a blood test, they cannot identify a blood test evidence problem, or provide you a solution to attack it.

Furthermore, a good lawyer will provide all realistic options, even if they require more work on their part. There should be no self-interest concerns on the lawyer’s part. They should be ready, able and willing to do whatever the client wishes.

The client must be properly advised on their options and each option’s advantages and disadvantages.

Settle Anxiety

Anxiety, nervousness and fear are all common emotions held by the accused. By providing solutions to the problem and by being available to answer all questions, those feelings will be eased.

Instructing the defendant on what to say when questioned by a judge or probation officer will make them feel better. Again, a lawyer’s job is as much a counselor as it is a litigator.

Communicate to the Judge and Court

It often takes a third-party to effectively communicate a message. The defendant, and even their family members, are often too close to the situation. This allows their feelings to cloud their judgment.

An experienced lawyer will communicate on behalf of the defendant and in a manner that is in their client’s best interest. Persuasion is an art, which is best done by one who has success in doing it. The most persuasive lawyers put themselves in the shoes of those they argue against and are able to understand what’s important to them.

So back to the question of, “can a lawyer help with a DUI?” The answer is yes, but only if you do your research and find a DUI attorney who knows how to obtain, evaluate, and attack all case evidence. If you don’t do the work and price shop a DUI attorney, not only are you likely wasting your money, you’re also going to end up with a DUI conviction that will be on your record for the rest of your life as a DUI cannot be expunged.

Facing a DUI charge? Unhappy with your current attorney? Request a free consultation now.

Request a free consultation now by calling us at (248) 206-5397.

Reviews From Our Clients

50+ Reviews, 5 Star Ratings

Bryan Smith

December 22, 2022

Barton was amazing and I could not have had the positive outcome without his guidance. His team is prompt and great to work with. He even called while out of the country on vacation, which I feel shows he went above and beyond what someone might expect from their attorney. Experienced and cares! I would highly recommend Barton!

Bryan Smith

Leng T.

December 22, 2022

Very professional. I came and spoke to Barton Morris about my situation and my case. I asked him if he was willing to help me. He asked about the details and my background and history. He give me a positive confidence he can help me and my odds. His price is reasonable. He’s not one of those hole in the wall lawyers who treat you as a number. You are a human being with a personal life. You treats you as a valued client no matter how big or small the case.

Leng T.

Kelly M.

April 5, 2022

I had Mike Norman as my lawyer for a case. I just wanted to come on here and thank him for doing his best for me. I am grateful during this stressful time. I’ve used Barton Morris as a lawyer about 11 years ago and he was awesome which is why we came back. I do recommend!

Kelly M.

Thomas Smale

December 27, 2020

Extremely knowledgeable and very helpful when it comes to navigating the complicated nature of cannabis businesses in Michigan. I met with Barton where he answered all my questions about the pre-qualification application, and was prompt in answering subsequent questions through email after the meeting was completed. I certainly plan to continue utilize Barton’;s knowledge in the future.

Marty Upfall

Thomas Smale

Marty Upfall

November 10, 2020

Just sitting here on my balcony. A bit chilly but sunny and beautiful. I am ever so grateful to have 100% freedom. Wasn’t sure I would ever meet this day. Hiring you(and your team) was the best decision I have ever made. You are a true master of your trade. As you sit with your beautiful family on Thanksgiving know that this year I am truly thankful of my freedom and the choice to hire Barton Morris. Thanks again. I will never forget what you have done for me.

Marty Upfall
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