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Help Build a Classroom for Starfish Family Services

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Help Build a Classroom for Starfish Family Services

The christmas season, a time of charitable giving and reflection, is fully upon us now. That is why our team, along with Moms 4 Starfish, are asking for some help from our readers for an especially deserving organization based out of metro Detroit.

What is Starfish Family Services?

Founded in 1963, Starfish Family Services has been a champion for children and families across metro Detroit who do not have access to necessary resources that many of us take for granted such as education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. 

They currently help over 4,000 children and families yearly, providing high quality programs and much needed support services that focus on a child’s early childhood education and development, behavioral issues, health and wellness. Starfish approaches all of these issues from a holistic standpoint.

The Law Offices of Barton Morris and Starfish Family Services’ History

Barton W. Morris Jr, founder of the Law Offices of Barton Morris in Royal Oak, has always believed in giving back to the community. With a passion for helping children and their families, Barton and Bridjet visited Starfish Family Services in Inkster last year and were immediately overwhelmed. 

They immediately formulated a vision of how they could make a difference in the lives of the children and their families already being assisted by Starfish.

A New Classroom

Starfish is in immediate need of a new classroom for infants to toddlers. However, this new space comes at a high cost; $20,000. This is where Barton, Bridget and her ‘Moms4Starfish’ group are stepping up to the plate. 

They are appealing to the generosity of our community in order to make the Starfish’s dream ‘a reality’.

Who is Moms 4 Starfish?

Erica Kives + Kristie King + Bridjet Morris + Stefani Scott = Moms 4 Starfish.

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They are four dedicated metro Detroit moms who are on a mission to put children first. Through their efforts, they hope to impact the lives of children who may not have access to education, health care, or other essential resources many of us might take for granted.

They are starting with a blank canvas and are on a mission to raise these funds for this much needed classroom buildout. The classroom is empty and is in need of everything from coats, boots, diapers, cribs, wipes, crayons, toys, desks, educational tools plus so much more. They are desperately asking the community to please donate to help these children and families.

How You Can Help

You can make a donation of any size below. Thank you for helping a child in your community obtain the best quality of life possible through Starfish Family Services. Happy holidays from Moms 4 Starfish and our team at the Law Offices of Barton Morris!


Barton Morris
Barton Morris has been providing high-quality legal representation in the area of state and federal criminal defense for more than 20 years.
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Barton Morris
Barton Morris has been providing high-quality legal representation in the area of state and federal criminal defense for more than 20 years.
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