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Early Termination of Probation Beginner’s Guide


When our clients are sentenced, we almost always get asked the same question; “How do I get early termination of my probation?”

As much as I wish there was an easy answer to this question, there isn’t. Courts and judges vary from area to area as to their likelihood of granting an early termination of probation. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t put forth your best effort to get that successful discharge from probation.

Here’s a quick and simple list, then we can dive in further:

  1. Perform all of your court-ordered drug and alcohol testing as required
  2. Pay your fines early
  3. Complete community service (even more if possible)
  4. Complete your classes i.e. MADD Victim Impact Panel, Alcohol Awareness, Outpatient Therapy
  5. Determine why you deserve to be off probation early
  6. Cultivate a great and trusting relationship with your probation officer

Interested in pursuing early release from probation? Unhappy with your current attorney? Request a free consultation now.

What else can I do to help my case?

Alright, now that you have a broad idea of what’s necessary, let me give you some further tips. For a standard probation (12-18 months), judges will most likely not consider early termination until you’ve completed at least half of your probation. While they most likely will not consider it, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. After all, you never get anything that you don’t ask for.

In addition, and I cannot stress this enough, you must have a good relationship with your probation officer. I know that some probation officers can be very tough and demanding. However, your judge will consult with probation as to whether you should be terminated from probation early. If you’ve fought and bickered with your probation officer, this process can be much more difficult. Even if you don’t like him/her, go in with a smile and be respectful. Do what they ask. Contact an attorney to determine if they’re being excessive, but don’t confront them in an aggressive way on your own.

What if I don’t have a good relationship with my Probation Officer?

With that being said, sometimes you just won’t be able to have a relationship with your probation officer. That’s okay. You can still convince a judge that you’re deserving of an early termination. In order to do this, you must show substantial compliance with the terms of your probation. Read over your order of probation. Did you do everything the judge requested? Have you tested clean? Good. These are all things judges will consider.

I’ve had violations. Can I still ask for early termination?

It depends. What was the violation for? Dirty test? Additional criminal charges? Failure to report? All of these things can complicate your case. However, it doesn’t mean you’re doomed. We have been successful at helping those with even spotty probation records achieve early termination.

Okay, let’s do this. What is my next step?

You can attempt to do apply for early termination on your own. Speak with your probation officer to see if they think you’d be a good candidate. However, if you are scared or nervous to broach the topic, call us. We can help you gather the appropriate documentation needed for a successful early termination motion to the court. While these may not always be successful, judges respect and admire your progress. They may choose to shorten your probation, or even tell you ways to achieve early termination in the future.

If you’re tired from calling every morning to test, or you simply can’t handle the stressors of probation, think about your options. Early termination of probation is a possibility if the work is done correctly. As always, we are here to help!

Interested in pursuing early release from probation? Unhappy with your current attorney? Request a free consultation now.

Barton Morris
Barton Morris has been providing high-quality legal representation in the area of state and federal criminal defense for more than 20 years.
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Barton Morris
Barton Morris has been providing high-quality legal representation in the area of state and federal criminal defense for more than 20 years.
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